DMD (Digital Micromirror Devices)
是利用半導體製程,面積非常小的平板,商業用邊長約為7.6µm Micromirror Pitch (連結 連結)。一般人對7.6µm是多長應該沒概念,但以塵璊為例子吧,常見塵璊是300µm,所以一隻塵璊下方,可能就有800片這種小鏡片。
DMD的放大示意圖 |
連結 |
Single block mode
Dual block mode
Quad block mode
Global mode
Single block mode |
Globalmode |
DMD + DLP 應用:投影
最常見DLP投影機架構 |
DMD + DLP 應用:光譜分析
其他應用:The DLP2010NIR DMD enables wavelength control and programmable spectrum and is well suited for low power mobile applications such as 3D biometrics, facial recognition, skin analysis, material identification and chemical sensing.
其他應用:The DLP2010NIR DMD enables wavelength control and programmable spectrum and is well suited for low power mobile applications such as 3D biometrics, facial recognition, skin analysis, material identification and chemical sensing.
TI介紹 連結 |
連結 |
結構上,使用特殊元件 DLP2010NIR DLP® 0.2 WVGA NIR DMD (連結)
0.2-inch (5.29-mm) Diagonal Micromirror Array
854 × 480 Array of Aluminum Micrometer-Sized Mirrors
5.4-µm Micromirror Pitch
±17° Micromirror Tilt (Relative to Flat Surface)
DLP NIRscan Nano Reference Software v2.1.0 (Rev. A) (ZIP, 187504 KB) 01 Jun 2017
DLP Spectrum Library Installer v2.0.3 (Rev. A) (ZIP, 24976 KB) 01 Jun 2017
Scan: Performing a column or Hadamard scan by:
– Generating the appropriate full-frame DMD patterns based on a specific scan configuration.
– Computing reflectance and absorbance data form the intensity data during a scan.
– Handling serialization and deserialization of scan configuration and scan data.
DLP® LightCrafter™ 4500 (連結)。
DLP® LightCrafter™ 6500 Evaluation Module(連結),研究TI提供的PDF(連結),其中並沒有source code也沒有compile的環境。著重在如何將圖形(PATTERN)放入螢幕上。
854 × 480 Array of Aluminum Micrometer-Sized Mirrors
5.4-µm Micromirror Pitch
±17° Micromirror Tilt (Relative to Flat Surface)
DMD + DLP 程式設計:光譜為例
下圖是光譜機器架構,從應用角度看,不需要(也不能)控制DMD和DLP,僅能透過MCU將資料送往DLP。DLP元件編號為DLPC150(連結),技術文件連結,是專門為NIR設計的DLP,不能確定是否可以直接控制發射出不同PATTERN。連結 |
連結 |
The system's Tiva processor deserializes this data and generates a set of full-frame DMD patterns based on the scan configuration and the factory-stored calibration data.
1. Then, the Tiva turns on the lamps and streams the full-frame DMD patterns to perform a scan.
2. Tiva collects several data points for each pattern from the detector's ADC conversion.
3. This data is stored in a structure, and is then serialized and transferred to the PC through USB or Bluetooth.
The system's Tiva processor deserializes this data and generates a set of full-frame DMD patterns based on the scan configuration and the factory-stored calibration data.
1. Then, the Tiva turns on the lamps and streams the full-frame DMD patterns to perform a scan.
2. Tiva collects several data points for each pattern from the detector's ADC conversion.
3. This data is stored in a structure, and is then serialized and transferred to the PC through USB or Bluetooth.
連結 |
DLP Spectrum Library Installer v2.0.3 (Rev. A) (ZIP, 24976 KB) 01 Jun 2017
Scan: Performing a column or Hadamard scan by:
– Generating the appropriate full-frame DMD patterns based on a specific scan configuration.
– Computing reflectance and absorbance data form the intensity data during a scan.
– Handling serialization and deserialization of scan configuration and scan data.
下載Library後,初步檢視控制PATTERN似乎是prebuild模組,還要繼續尋找source code
連結 連結 連結DMD + DLP 程式設計:開發板
TI針對DMD DLP開發者,提供兩款專門製造PATTERN的開發板(與目前NIR使用DMD不同)DLP® LightCrafter™ 4500 (連結)。
DLP® LightCrafter™ 6500 Evaluation Module(連結),研究TI提供的PDF(連結),其中並沒有source code也沒有compile的環境。著重在如何將圖形(PATTERN)放入螢幕上。